Sunday, December 12, 2021

Doomslakers Project

I've been posting quite a bit about doing a B/X style 64 page book, ala the B/X 64 Challenge. This is part of a continuum of ideas dating back years on this blog. An early example of this project in action was Black Pudding #4 with the OSR Playbook. I was calling it the Yria OSR Reference here.

More recently, The Rock Hardy Book of Dwarfs idea has been on my plate and it is that concept that morphed into the current Doomslakers B/X Playbook. This is how my brain works. One idea evolves until it is a different idea and eventually the cascading ideas coalesce into a book. I've just been a bit slower at it of late. Ideally I like to finish a few books a year but if I can make 1 book happen I'm happy about it. At least I'm not dead yet.

Right now I have a small barrage of commissions I've agreed to do so I don't know when the Doomslakers book will be finished. But progress is happening. I have written some satisfying bits about the 7 core classes that form the backdrop of the adventuring scene in the world of Yria. They are, currently, and in order of frequency among the adventuring population: Fighter, Thief, Dwarf, Goblin, Elf, Wizard, and Botten.

All classes get some kind of tweak from their B/X roots. Dwarf might be the least altered. Goblins are very similar to the version of the class that appears in Black Pudding #4 but with a few tweaks. Botten are machine people who I have written about before and used in a few games.

I'll write more about the classes later. In the meantime, why not do your own B/X 64 Challenge? Create and publish a B/X based book within 6 months. Hashtag it #bx64 and share the process online. It doesn't have to be 64 pages.


  1. Looking forward to seeing this 😃 And I'm quite glad you are not just doing a retread B/X book, but are using your own flair.
    I have greatly enjoyed your custom classes in Black Pudding!

    1. Yeah, the Doomslakers Playbook builds upon B/X, using it as a core and only altering rules or adding them to suit the Yria setting - which is the default backdrop for almost everything in Black Pudding (in my campaigns).

  2. Are you talking about a supplement for B/X or a basic rules replacement/remix/variant?

    1. The B/X 64 Challenge was targeted at B/X supplements: settings, adventures, new classes, spells, etc. Though of course there's a lot of wiggle room in there.

  3. I'm in. I don't have social media to hashtag though. :-)

  4. Wooo I'm excited to see where this goes. I remember starting the challenge in the google plus days. I think I tried a Holmes project. Much like a lot of things, I haven't completed it. I do however have 6 months. So far all I've got is a trance table for elves lol

    1. Hell yeah. You can Holmes it up. lol... Holmes 48 Challenge!

  5. Will we ever see #7 & #8 of Black Pudding? Or is the b/x project a replacement?

    1. My intention is to do at least #7 and #8 and publish a Second Helping collection. The Doomslakers concept is a little bit more "formal" in nature. Meaning, it emulates the B/X aesthetic more (in terms of layout, font choice, language, etc.) whereas Black Pudding is wild and wooly.

      I have no intention of declaring an end to Black Pudding at #8, however I feel like it might continue to slow down. I don't know though. The project has always been loose and free, which is why I was able to produce a fair amount of issues in a relatively short time.

      Currently I have some portion of #7 completed. I hesitate to say how much... but perhaps 20% to 40% is ready. When I switch gears and focus on it I'll likely knock it out in a couple of months.
