Sunday, November 29, 2020

Conan 2d20

I own several of the Modiphius Conan 2d20 game books. I'm not even sure which ones... like 8 of them though. I have never read them, nor played them. I picked them up because the covers looked sweet and I figured with that much content they're bound to be useful. Also I'm a big Conan fan.

But I don't know. Them's some big ass books. My RPG aesthetic is simpler. I like games that I can hold in one hand. Of course I won't write these off until I know more about them. I did watch a few video reviews and based on what I'm seeing I would say that I might enjoy playing but would not enjoy running this game.

One thing I noticed was they had a Doom pool - which is a resource the GM can use to make things harder for the PCs. I have used similar rules before. I remember drafting a game called Black Wing back in the early 2000s and that game had Doom that served a similar purpose, if I recall. Also my draft of Sand in the Bone features a very similar mechanic. So it's nice to see I'm not alone in thinking this is a cool idea.

Will I ever learn this game and run it or play it? Almost zero chance. But I like that it exists. It looks pretty.


  1. I don't have them, but this is the 2nd time today I've heard good things.

  2. I just picked up some of the Conan PDFs on sale so I could look at the game without spending the fortune. It intrigues me but it's just so big. I'm like you, I like smaller, simpler games.

    1. Yep. I'll go for a big book if it's really cool looking with great art. But hand me a fat RPG that isn't big on visuals and I'll never read the thing. Not out of spite or as a rule... I just know I won't read it. I have RPGs that I've owned for 20 years and never read.

    2. As I age I find I want less rules. Shorter works with great art is my jam.

      I opened up my Heroes Unlimited, by Palladium, the other day. OMG. I do love the random tables, for sure, and the approach to the hero archetypes, but it's so much!

  3. I wish one day I could have that much money.

    1. If you mean the cost of the books, I got them all in one swoop, used. I mean, I'm a very wealthy aristocrat but I can't afford to pay full price for that many books.

  4. I mine them for ideas in when I play in my own Sword & Sorcery settings. There are many random tables, adventure seeds and NPCs that can easily be used in other settings.
