Thursday, October 1, 2020

GOZR: 100 Wizard Spells

 If you're a wizard, which spells do you know? Every PC wizard begins play with 1d4+2 spells.


  1. Gets better with every table !

  2. Nice. Knave did something like this. 100 levelless spells, short form. I really really like it.

    1. Yep, I'm a huge fan of no levels. I like the idea that you can just make a character and play and not worry about the level range. GOZR is like that. There really isn't much of an advancement system in it... everything kind of happens organically. The only thing I'm adding is a random roll between adventures to see what happens to you during downtime. Lots of interesting little bits in there, such as learning new skills or finding cool stuff. Then I thought it would be fun if the players describe HOW the changes took place in a "You guys wont' believe what happened to me the other day down at the docks" moment.
