Thursday, October 10, 2024

Black Pudding Heavy Helping Vol Two

Black Pudding Heavy Helping Vol. Two is now available!

In this volume you get issues 5-8 of the zine plus some new pages and handy indexes. Everything is arranged into sections, just like in Vol. One, for your ease of use. Because I care about you.

Let's see... what is in this thing? Here are a few tidbits you'll find...

Some comics, character sheets, character classes (alien, flamer, goon royale, rat bastard, etc.), monsters (troglozyte, monstrous toad, octonods, etc.), the wizard Zasto Filistian and his cohorts, many hirelings from the Bleeding Ox (Emma the Sage, Uulf, Chuck the Mucker, Iko Rain, Umber Jon, etc.), adventures (Marigold Hills, Rat Queen, Ghiki's Hole, etc.), a bunch of random tables, a setting (Yria, with its dozen gods and entities, map, city descriptions, etc.), cover gallery, indexes.

There's an 8 page adventure called Underground Down Below based entirely on a lovely map by Evlyn Moreau.

Overall, it's a 127 page black and white hardback you can whip out at your table and use however you like. Great fodder for a sandbox campaign.

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