Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday Morning Art Rumble 12

In our last episode, I just picked some random art to show. Here I also pick random art to show. But maybe I'll try to speak about some of the pieces. Folks tell me I don't say enough about my own art. I don't share my thoughts and shit. More here.

I was probably thinking "but you CAN show both at once". lolz...

I did this robot guy when I was working on another Troika! romp book. Didn't finish the book, decided to make a new space fantasy RPG instead... ZSF will be coming eventually, folks. Eventually.

I just like making funky cool band logos for fake bands.

Tweets McTussle will FUCK YOU UP.

This was a fun comic page I did for my Black Pudding Kickstarter. Kind of kicked me off to doing more comics, which I am thankful for.

Sketch for the cover of Cozmic Metal Heads. Cool.

Yeah, this was page one of a Zarp comic I never finished even though I really love this page. Maybe I'll dust it off and finish it. It's like an 8 page, fully scripted. Why u no finish??

Art for Jim Wampler's Scientific Barbarian, I think. Or was it one of his mutant books?

It's a chainmail chick, yo. I am not sure why I highlighted her nipples. It's weird and embarrassing, not that I look at it. I should redux this one because otherwise this is my shit right here. My jam.



  1. Wow! Just six panels of comic there and you have my imagination all a flutter! Im a comic book nerd from waaaayyyy back

    I would love to see more of that 😊

    1. Hey thanks. Yeah comics are magical! I'm working on a new comic book right now.
