Saturday, December 16, 2023

State of the Creator

Lately I've been scattered, disorganized, and chaotic. But I'm still drawing and still creating. I never stop. For this I am grateful. The image above is a scattershot of things I've drawn in the past month or two. Maybe a couple are from a few months ago.

One thing that is becoming increasingly clear to me, on the whole creative front, is that I need to stop thinking about doing stuff and just do stuff. One of my big problems was, after GOZR, I didn't want to devote myself to such an intense project again for a while. I was like... y'know... just do traditional fucking layouts with text and fonts.

But I haven't been doing those. So it kind of stands to reason that I should just lean into what I know how to do best and stop fucking around. Meaning: Draw more pages and make little books. It's the one thing I love to do more than anything else and the only reason I don't do it more is because I'm constantly second-guessing myself.

No, this is not a New Year's resolution. I don't do those.

Ideas on the table that already have some progress and that I could/should finish:

Black Pudding 8: Mostly finished.

ZSF: Tons of work put into it, but depending on final form it is either half done or barely started.

Blood Red Pinup Book: This one is done. I have a 64 page book all fixed up. I just need to get it printed and offer it up for sale.

Rock Hardy Book of Dwarfs: Literally finished, including layout, other than doing maybe 3 additional drawings. I just can't muster the energy to do it. I fear it is just a meh book.

GOZR Adventure Book: This is an idea for which I have a few pages. I know people have asked for some GOZR adventures and I just haven't been able to return to that game with the same passion. I think because I poured so much time and effort into it I'm just finished, for now. I gave it my all. I made a complete game book. The idea was that you'd make your own adventures.

Sorry, this is a bit of a random and slightly bitchy post. I'm honestly not in a bad mood. I'm just not focused, which is becoming more and more troubling.


  1. Making stuff can be exhausting. It can also be a ton of fun but if you’re forcing it it will never be as good as just having the inspiration to want to make more. GOZR is a masterpiece as is as far as I’m concerned. I open it constantly just to get into the mood to draw. I would love to have more GOZR than I’d ever even be able to read but you gotta do what you’re inspired to do man. Happy holidays thanks for all the inspiration you’ve givin me!

  2. I'm always up for more Black Pudding, not the least because it means I can order a second volume of your collected work.
