Saturday, September 5, 2020

GOZR Mechanics


The mechanical interface for GOZR is like this:

You have three stats and each stat is a target number. When you do an action, you roll 1d20 vs. your own target. Then you follow up with whatever results are called for, such as damage.

And this is fine. This works. But I wanted to simplify and reduce dice rolls so I was strongly considering taking an Into the Odd approach and eliminating the action roll, going straight to the effect roll.

But I'm also taking a cue from The Black Hack and making the players do all the dice rolling. So when you are attacked by a monster, what do you roll? It doesn't make a lot of sense to roll your sword damage in that case. But the original three stat mechanics do work just fine for this since you're rolling against your own target, regardless of the weapon or attacker.

For now, I'm sticking with three stats as targets because in every case I've thought of so far this works, especially for a game where players make all the rolls.


  1. So, the monster attacks you, you fail your Prowess roll, maybe you take damage equal to the amount you failed it by. Or equal to a set damage figure for the monster ?

    1. I did strongly consider this method too. I was calling it "effect". And it's also fine. But I dislike the step of subtraction. It's very easy math, of course, but it's still an extra step. That's my only problem with it.

  2. You roll your armor. Armor becomes another stat. Armor save style, like Warhammer. The amount you fail by is the amount of damage you take, if using HP. Stronger monsters might do +1 damage per HD they are above the player's level. Or your armor can be a set die, like weapons are. Plate and Shield are a d12 for example, roll over STR to save, or maybe you reverse it.

    anyway, lots of ideas, but I think armor is the roll.

    1. It's not a bad idea for sure. But I'm not sure it flows with the aesthetic. Right now I'm leaning hard into weapons having unique damage and effects, so if I can drill it down to just rolling the damage dice then I'd be happy with it. I like the concept of an armor die, though. Definitely worth playing around with!

    2. I'm making a system that skews younger, so all weapons do 1 hit, 2 hits if used with 2 hands, and armor is ablative. Like you start with 3 hits, draw 3 hearts on your sheet and cross them out as you lose them. Armor is similar, you draw 0-4 little shields, depending on gear, and can take hits with them.

      So the player facing rolls are 'to hit monster' and 'to dodge a hit'. In a 3 stat system those would be STR rolls and DEX rolls respectively.

  3. It's a d20 roll you could have the 'units' figure be the damage done (0-9, with 0 just as a scratch ?)

    1. Oh, I see what you mean. Interesting idea. I don't think it fits with this system very well, but it's kinda cool. Thanks!

  4. You must read MACCHIATO MONSTERS from Eric NIEUDAN. 6 Abilities but great ideas !

    1. I definitely do need to get that game. I've heard great things about it and NEVER checked it out!

    2. It's standard 6, roll under. Including to-hit rolls. Lots of adv/dis use, which I like. Including adv/dis on damage rolls. It has unique roll once per turn mechanics, and usage die mechanics.

      It's not for me, honestly, but it's certainly unique.
