Another artist I don't know anything about is Ashley Wood. I picked up a random issue of Zombies vs. Robots a while back and was pretty impressed with the art.
Wood is an Australian. They turn out some killer shit down under (I'm looking at King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard). Wood's art is what I'd call highly spontaneous, impressionistic, immediate. It's got energy. But it holds together. A powerful combo.
Looks like he works in both traditional and digital media. often mixing the two.
Oh... one last note. There's another, entirely different comic book artist named Ashely A. Woods. Totally different creator. I bet she gets frustrated because looking up her art you inevitably get Wood's art as well or instead. If I was in that situation I am not sure if I'd consider changing my professional name or not. It's an option. Anyway, she's pretty good too.
Love World War Robot by Wood. Amazed Hollywood didn't optino it for a series.