Sunday, January 5, 2025

Artists I Like: Kaja Foglio

I don't know as much about Kaja Foglio as I would like to. Somehow I knew the name Phil, but Kaja slipped under my radar for the longest time. Which is a shame because she also strikes such a perfect note with me. Cartoon art that ascends to levels of bliss I only strive to achieve in my own work.

Kaja is an artist, writer, and publisher. Her writing includes a great deal of work on the Hugo Award winning Girl Genius comics. But I know her mainly from drawing some lovely Magic: the Gathering cards. I certainly used that Sorcerous Queen quite frequently when I was playing between 1994-1996.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, Phil and Kaja Foglio, both a couple of my favorite artists of all, starting with his stuff in Dragon magazine back in the day. I have a pretty big collection of Phil's work, love it!
