Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hoofnar's Gods are Real

I've always been a guy with multiple worlds in his head. And it feels like all of them have sort of collapsed or coalesced into two distinct worlds that are, as far as this writing, not connected.

One of them is Pan-Gea, which encompasses all of my work on Black Pudding and the new comic Hellion Cross as well as the Troika!-based RPG books I've done. It is all one grand setting, just spanning a lot of time. The connective tissue between them all is a pantheon of gods, demigods, and immortal beings such as Nest the Moon, Seer the Sun, and the Worm Witch.

Contrasting this is another world I call Yukkara. This world is about funny animals. Why is it distinct? Because in my lizard brain I NEED and WANT a world that is entirely comprised of talking cartoon animals (along with demons, dragons, wizards, etc.). No humans, you see.

The world of Yukkara is largely "governed" by six powerful gods pictured here in this sketchbook drawing. Each of these deities have "clever" names that are word plays which I will unpack for your pleasure and entertainment. If I'm not terribly mistaken, this is the first time I've posted about these guys. I know I conceived them years ago because I have multiple documents and journal entries that mention them going back in time at least a decade.

• Owldina is the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. She is represented by an owl. I don't remember Owldina's name referencing anything other than she's an owl. Which is funny because she's a knowledge goddess... get it? There's no extra knowledge to uncover on that one. Hah.

• Jehawkva is the God of the Skies. He is a hawk or some other raptor. Jehawkva is a play on both hawk and jehovah. Clever bastard.

• Marduck is the God of War. He is a duck. Marduck is just a play on Marduk, who isn't specifically a war god. But it also sounds like Warduke, and he's a war guy.

• Buddacuda is the Deity of Truth and Mindful Doing. He is a fish. Buddacuda... seems obvious to me.

• Porkus is the God of Death. He is a pig. Porkus is Orcus but a pig. It's been done before, but that's fine. Something as obvious as Porkus is gonna get done over and over. Same with Marduck. It's fine.

• Eweweh is the Goddess of the Earth. She is a sheep. Eweweh is a combo of ewe and yaweh. Clever bastard. I even threw in a little bit of lore, as the kids say, that Eweweh is often characterized as a male god, which pisses her the fuck right off. Which is a nod to the fact that Yaweh is a masculine god figure. The layers of my cleverness are rich and myriad.

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