Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hellion Cross Cover WIP

The interior pages are finished... now time to do the cover art!

I struggled with an idea for this cover that made sense and was still visually interesting to me. It's a sci-fantasy with space ships, so I thought I would feature the primary ship of the issue, the SS Motorbreath. But my main character, Fawn Rainchild, is basically nude through most of the comic. How to show her on the cover without making the cover itself fully rated R?

In a sense... it doesn't matter. I don't suspect this comic book will ever grace Previews magazine or anything like that. This is a straight-from-me-to-you labor of love. I can show whatever I want to show on the cover.

So naturally I went with the perfectly normal option: woman fighting a worm monster. Right?

What we have here is the Worm Witch, also called K'lixtra, one of the members of the Pan-Gea pantheon. She's the goddess responsible for destroying the Isle of Gea, home to the mother goddess and all her daughters, the Princesses of Gea... of which Fawn is the youngest. When I started drawing this issue I had no idea where it would go. I didn't even know Fawn would be in it, but she very quickly inserted herself into the story (page 2) and took over as the protagonist. And her auntie, the Worm Witch, quickly asserted herself as Fawn's chief nemesis, just as she was in the previous Pan-Gea comics.

As I type this, the inking is finished and it turned out very nice, I think. I'm moving on to colors now.

I'm not sure how to promote the comic other than posting about it on social media and offering it for sale. My plan is to print 100 copies, each one signed and numbered. Stay tuned.

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