Sunday, August 11, 2024

Artists I Like: Stardriver Art

This Sunday's artist is a mysterious Instagram figure known as Stardriver Art. I'm pretty sure this is a female artist, but I apologize if that's incorrect. I couldn't find a website outside of the Insta account.

So... Stardriver does epic 80s style, airbrush type fantasy art that would be more than comfortable on the side of your van any day of the week... and I love it. She seems to have a great love of 80s metal and metal in general, which I also love. The art is quirky and almost naive (as in self-taught, not meant to be a dis). I don't know if that's the case or not, but it has that vibe. To me, that's one of her great charms.

Seeing her art makes me want to buy a van and paint it. That's all I'm gonna say.



  1. Holy crap! Thanks for introducing me to this artist, James! Somehow the all-knowing Instagram algorithm never put her work into my feed despite every second post now being someone I do not know. I love this style and the subject matter and I've been trying to write this post to thank you for showing me Stardriver but my iPhone wouldn't allow me to actually change the user from anonymous to me. Welp. Anyway your taste is once again validated! Terrific stuff from Stardriver.

    1. She's great! I don't even remember how I discovered her. It was via Insta, and randomly I guess.

  2. Lots of Wendy Pini there and some Colleen Doran too. Neat.
