Sunday, August 18, 2024

Cartooning the Walk

Hey, you know what's important for characters in a comic book story? Moving around. One of the most common ways that characters move around is to walk. It's a comic, so you have to show that walk, at least to some degree. It's not animation, so you don't need to map the entire walk, but you gotta have some kind of walking motion. How you gonna draw it?

Will you exaggerate the fuck out it the way R. Crumb or Vaughn Bodé did? Or will you reel it in a bit and go a bit more Harvey Kurtzman or Mort Drucker?

To be totally honest, I haven't given it a lot of thought. I've been drawing comics and art since I was a kid and I have barely thought about how characters walk. It only ever comes up when - SHOCKER - I have to draw someone walking. Here's a few examples of how I've done it in the past. Keep in mind: no thought. Just do. Is it good? Do I need to step up my game?


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