Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hellion Cross Pages

The interior of Hellion Cross is done! I'm rather pleased with myself because I haven't done a serious, long form comic book in years. And by serious I mean with jokes and worm monsters.

I started working on this comic around June 10 without much of a plan. I essentially wrote it as I went along, trying to tackle it page by page. I completed 25 pages by August 3. For me, that's lightning speed.

I attribute this to the fact that I refused to lock myself into a long-term trajectory, keeping the story moving along as quickly as possible and choosing to draw what I wanted to draw. See... I know my own worst habits. If I lock myself in, I get locked in... I can't seem to move forward. Keeping it loose works for me.

Black Pudding is loose. The reason I was able to do 8 issues at all was because I left myself tons of room in each issue to do whatever I wanted (within the scope of old school roleplaying).

Now that the interior is finished, I've been working on the cover (see previous post). More later.


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