Friday, March 15, 2024

Artists I Like: Evlyn Moreau

Another entry in this spectacular series.

I love a lot of artists. More than I can even count. But some of them have ambiance and beauty that can't be forgotten or lost in a sea of other creators. Canadian artist Evlyn Moreau is one of those.

The first time I can remember seeing her work was this delicious drawing she did for an old school character class called the Goblin Enchantress, written by Benjamin Baugh. A delightful, delicate drawing featuring her signature linework and textures. Evlyn's drawings are what I would call "stamp like". Meaning, they resemble designs as much as drawings. They are generally composed of simple figures drawn without any extreme concern for realism, embellished heavily with wonderful textures and patterns. Lovely to behold.

I love her work so much I got my hands on some of it for Black Pudding #6. Follow her Patreon, it's chock full of wondrous art! Also, I think if you spend more than 5 minutes browsing indie, small press, and OSR role-playing games, you will be unable to avoid running across her work. She's always in demand!


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