Sunday, May 26, 2024

Artists I Like: Dyson Logos

I first discovered Dyson Logos through the osmosis of haunting OSR-type blogs and social media posts. At this point I couldn't possibly say when it was, other than a nebulous 2012-2013 range. I mean, let's face it: If you enter any OSR or DIY TTRPG space and swing a rubber chicken around you're going to hit a Dyson Logos. Right? The guy is a map machine.

His art has been aped and copied and outright stolen a lot. He developed a signature style that has become ubiquitous in the RPG community. But more than being iconic, his maps are both beautiful and quite useful. Practical. I have used them myself on numerous occasions. They are easy to read, but full of flavor. They invite you to explore them, which is exactly what a great map should do.

I can't be unbiased here, because I have been gaming with Dyson since 2018 or so. But this is an appreciation, not a review, so it's fine.

I did a review of one of his books here in 2018, just if ya wanna see that. Check him out.

1 comment:

  1. LUV me some Dyson Logos . . . I've used 3 or 4 of his maps in my current D&D campaign, and I've probably got at least twice that number stashed away for later use. I have his "Book of Swords" as well, and if he decides to put out an Axe book, I'll get that one as well (*hint hint* to Dyson, if he sees this).
