Tuesday, December 8, 2020

GOZR: Belt Buckles

I was sitting here working on GOZR one fine morning when I thought to myself "that white space could use a fine belt buckle". And so was born the gooz cultural fascination with them.

Like many things in the game, this is just some random table shit. See that half moon by the title? Wherever you see that moon you know that's a table you can roll on, if you feel like it. It's optional.


  1. I like that cresent moon. Are cresent moons culturally significant in Gozr world?

    1. Moons show up in various random tables, so it appears they may be. But I'm keeping the setting very very loose. I'm giving tons and tons of stuff but proscribing nothing.

      Regarding the moon in this image, that is a symbol I put on optional tables. Stars = must roll, moons = optional, skulls = risky optional, eye = roll or choose.
