Sunday, June 30, 2024

Artists I Like: Raven Perez

Part of a series of posts in which I adore other artists for being really good at stuff

Next up is a comic artist who is, IMHO, synonymous with "online comics". Raven Perez started his comic Raven's Dojo in 1998 (wow) and it's still going today. That's super fucking impressive.

I should mention an important thing: These comics are NOT SAFE FOR WORK, or NSFW. They gots naked bits and straight up sex stuff.

I love Raven's wild drawings. Intricate, but loose, they are vibrant and organic in that classic noodle cartoon way. Also, Raven himself is, from what I have seen, a very cool guy. I'll take a moment here to champion the sex comic and art genre. It ain't for everyone, and it says so on the tin. So if you want to be prudish about it and say "but it's porn" or something, yeah whatever. It's not for you. Move along. It's for people who enjoy that shit, and there's plenty of space in the art world for it. Art isn't worse because it's sexual. Art is only worse because it's worse. Or because it's fascist or something.

The Dojo ain't like that.

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