Sunday, October 16, 2016

Cover Art for Black Pudding #1

Here's the cover art for Black Pudding #1, an RPG zine that I'm putting together. No release schedule yet, no table of contents. I am currently sorting through my RPG junk and making decisions about what would go well in the first issue. It will have some character classes and monsters for sure. I'm not sure what else, but I seem to have lots of stuff to choose from. Probably more than enough to do a few issues, depending on page count.

And I'm not even sure about page count yet. This might be a beefy book, or it might be a series of slim ones. I don't know. The word "zine" has an amorphous usage, regardless of its origins. I think of a zine as a receptacle for ideas.

More later.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Monster: Cattarusk

The hungry, slimy cattarusk for your dungeon dweller needs.

#inktober #4. Yeah, these are out of order. Sue me.

PDF here.

Monster: Kettle Ogre

The noisy kettle ogre likes to eat you. A Labyrinth Lord monster for dungeon crawling fun.

Also, #inktober #2.

PDF here.

Character Class: Grizzard

Here's another class from my Deep Valley campaign. This one is also being currently played, rather like a Jim Henson character from The Dark Crystal. Since the in game PC is a bit of a collector/trader I added a little random items in pocket table.

PDF here.

Character Class: Djinn-Volgate

One of the classes I invented for my Deep Valley campaign is a kind of fallen djinn, and one of the players chose this class to play. So far, we're having a good time with it.

Here it is written up for Labyrinth Lord.

PDF here.